1. Make sure that updating Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. with the latest information about your company, is part of your social media strategy. On Facebook, for example, pay attention to your business description, category designation and fill in your address, hours, and location; providing relevant information on the platform can help boost your SEO. Think of the short description as your digital elevator pitch; use your platforms to network and business develop.
2. Reinforce your branding with your cover and profile photos. Cover and profile photos have a high level of visibility on your social media platforms so make the most of the potential brand awareness raising and exposure. You can promote an event, fundraiser, product or service through your cover photo. Use Photoshop or Canva.com to add text to your cover image. Make sure your cover and profile photos look good on both the desktop and mobile devices.
3. Add a call to action button on Facebook. If you’re promoting an event you can link to the registration page on your website or if you are involved in a fundraiser link to the Go Fund Me page, for example. You can match your cover photo and call to action and even add an arrow to your cover photo pointing to the call to action button.
4. On Facebook and Twitter, you can pin posts to the top of your page so that anyone who visits will see these posts first. You can continue to send out posts to your followers, but this is a great way of alerting people to a campaign that you may be running, for example. Don’t forget to unpin when you want the most recent post to appear at the top of your feed.
5. Did you know you can add milestones to your Facebook page? Visit your timeline and click Offer, Event +, then click milestone and fill in the details. This is a great way to highlight your business’ achievements and continue to build brand awareness.